Geplaatst op Geef een reactie

What I ate in the month December

I find it always so strange to look back at my own food. It is something that has become so strange to me, because it’s just food. It is tasty and I move on. I hope for the peeps who are reading this and do struggle with being to fixated on their food, that this can be you to someday :).

So this was my take out moment, that thanks to miss Rona became a more frequent thing in 2020. There’s some Chinese in these bags. I am very closely friends with a fam who has a Chinese restaurant.
In this photo I was explaining to my mom why having a drink with some sweetener is not a bad thing when your cholesterol levels are high. I can drink both without having any mixed feelings. Thank god!
My new love is chocolate spread and I had a little Serrano, but I am not a big fan of salty things. Yes, I have no plate. I am hella lazy with that, but somehow I can wipe the table with alcohol wipes….
My new year food with the fam, thanks to my boss <3.
When there are tomatoes involved, you can bet that I was lazy and did not want to cook. Just like in this pic.
This was for little Dino. He loves his Brussel sprouts!
The addiction is real…
The base
The end product. I just love a salad with somethin crispy in it! This fish a fish schnitzel.
This was the first time for me eating a Big Mac. I was in Belgium when I did.
And it get’s a D or a 4. It was dry and I just cannot understand the hype for a second..
This is my favo. I mostly come to Mcdonalds for the ice cream XD.
I bought chocolates for my friend her birthday, but I needed one to finish my meal whaha oeps..
My regular health check. I always eat at least two pieces of fruit a day and some veggies to keep my health on track.
My bestie made bananabread and I was out of food
That was my first proteinshake in six months
One of my other addictions..
This actually was the base for the wine I was drinking afterwards XD
And this one was nice! Kinda sweet & dry with a hint of melon
Quick meals are my favorite
I just snack on chickpeas from a can. Am I the only one?
Popcorn for me, but also for him 😉
I ate fries at least three times a month. This is however from the airfryer.
One of my favorite peeps gave me this card :’). I adore her mindset and really wish that she get’s all what she wishes for.
My boss made me and my friend thanksgiving dinner. It is do damn cute :’). He does not even celebrate the birth of Jesus. What makes this extra special. It shows that if we care for each other everything is possible.
random snack
My sis is in the USA and misses Surinam food. So she makes some. Good effort ineed!

Me taking out food again haha. Guys I hoped you got some inspo from this or it calmed you down. I ate it all and am still the same. So, no worries!

Geplaatst op Geef een reactie

What I ate randomly the past two weeks

Dear readers,

Well these past two weeks were actually good, food wise speaking. I really enjoyed the foods I have been eating. I am not a person that really believes that you should eat oats only in the morning or a grilled cheese is only a lunch thing. So I eat the most random things at the most random moments. I try to opt for 200 grams of veggies each day and two pieces of fruit most of the time. It always ends in 3 pieces of fruit and either 300 grams of veggies or 100 grams or sometimes not at all. And to be honest that’s fine. You cannot always get what you want, right?

Next to this I ate some pork meat last week (19-26 april) and damn, not my jam. I was nauseous half of the day. I only eat some chicken sometimes and during my period a bit of red meat, in Dutch (ossenworst) a cured Jewish sausage on some bread. So that said, I think I’will keep eating a bit of meat (two days a week or less) and keep it vegetarian the rest of the week. Enjoy this one!

Simple slice of bread and an egg that looks like a fish if you ask me.

So these donuts were bought for the birthday of Dino (my dog) he got a little part on his birthday (22th of April) and we ate.. yeah the whole damn thing.

I am always team chocolate

I had a ‘whay I eat in a day’ on Instagram. This was rice with tofu and chickpeas. It was a high protein day without meat.

I call these my dietitian fries. low sugar and low fat sauces and fresh fries. It really saves you around 300 calories.

Tosti aka grilled cheese is my jam. Always.

Soaking biological chickpeas.

Some apple.

Some chicken with veggies. This was supper.

Protein shake with banana, almond milk and prozis whey.

Whole wheat egg breakfast wrap.

1/2 chicken burger with ketchup.

Dino’s birthday prayer (It’s a Hindu thing).

Dogfood at our home is almost always fresh meat, greens and rice.

I really craved this. Why on earth are there two in a package….

This has been either my lunch or breakfast. Banana, nuts, greek yoghurt 10% fat, jam and that’s it.

Your hormones (as a female) will be thankful for this or Turkish yoghurt 8%.

Brunch in the morning, cuz I had way too many appointments.

Fatty fish for the healthy fats.

Making a shake again :D.

These were snacks in the afternoon.

My breakfasts the last two weeks. Yes that’s soup.

I am so bad in pastry. And Lazy, so I often buy them. But these were Indonesian pastry with minced cow meat.



Geplaatst op Geef een reactie

Waarom advies van een diëtist niet zo snel wordt aangenomen (must read voor een diëtist)

Beste lezers,

Diëtisten zijn er al een goed aantal jaren om de gezondheid van de bevolking te verbeteren. Wij kunnen steeds beter advies geven door wetenschappelijke onderzoeken, maar ook door meer kennis te verkrijgen. Zo doen we aan master opleidingen, post-HBO’s en proberen we ook kennis uit andere werkvelden ’te weven’ in het zo best mogelijk kunnen helpen van de klant. Zo wordt je vaak mutlidisciplinaire geholpen als dat nodig is (met een psycholoog en/of fysiotherapeut). Maar geven we ook onze eigen touch eraan (denk aan opdrachten geven aan de klant of mindfulness toepassen).

Waarom nemen klanten dan met moeite het advies van een diëtist aan? Of houden ze het niet lang vol.

Het klinkt een beetje psychologisch, maar het komt omdat je advies vaak nog geen waarde heeft. Waarde kan je vaak toevoegen door redenen te geven. Denk maar aan: ‘Meneer u moet niet roken, want dan kan u kanker krijgen’. Dat is letterlijk maar een laag. Onderbouw je het met ‘Als u kanker krijgt, kan je jouw familie niet meer zien, je kleinkinderen en kan je niet meer elke zondag lekker vissen langs de kant van het Ijsselmeer.’ Dan geef je al veel meer inzicht aan de klant. Hij moet kijken in de toekomst.

Nu is het zo dat je dit vaak niet kan doen als je een klant voor het eerst ontmoet. Zelfs later moet je het gedoseerd vertellen. Het kan namelijk best wel hard aankomen en zelfs een beetje als een aanval. Nu kan ik je zeggen dat ze vaak (niet iedereen), maar veel mensen het antwoord al weten.

Wat nog belangrijk is dan dat jij het waarde geeft als diëtist; is dat de desbetreffende er waarde aan toevoegt. Dus als de man zou stoppen met roken en laten we zeggen dat hij een longcapaciteit meting gehad heeft voor het stoppen. En 3 maanden na het stoppen met roken nog een meting heeft en dit keer is het verbeterd. Dan is dat het waarde toevoegend moment, waardoor hij zijn nieuwe gedrag mogelijk kan volhouden.

Dit kan je natuurlijk ook in perspectief zien bij iemand die wilt afvallen, een te hoog cholesterol heeft en misschien iemand met een eetstoornis. Je moet als klant het een kans geven en het ‘gewoon laten gebeuren’. Dan kan je zien of wat de diëtist adviseert nou echt werkt en als het wel werkt, dan heb je jouw motivatie te pakken (als klant zijnde). Aan de diëtist is het om te zien (en te bedenken) in welke situatie je de klant kan gaan zetten waardoor hij/zij de waarde van je advies kan gaan ontdekken.

Uiteindelijk is dit een onderdeel van nog veel andere punten, waar je als diëtist en klant samen aan moet werken. Maar ‘waarde toevoegen’ is wel iets waar je rekening mee moet houden (in mijn perspectief dan) als klanten weerstand bieden of nog niet de ernst ergens van inzien.

Hopelijk was dit ergens informatief.


Geplaatst op Geef een reactie

How to eat sustainable?

Hello readers,

We all want to be more sustainable, but how do we do that? Today I translated the page of the Government health Institution (Het Voedingscentrum). They use 7 steps for being more sustainable. (Would you like to read the Dutch version? Go here.)

1. Waste as little food as possible. If you buy, cook and store smartly, you don’t have to waste as much food. The food is then produced for a reason. Making a shopping list and a weekly menu helps you to do smart shopping. Custom cooking is easy with a kitchen scale or a measuring cup. And by keeping food in the right place, it will last longer. You do not have to throw away products with an expired best before date, such as dairy products. Look, smell and taste a little to judge the quality.

2. Eat less red and processed meat. Meat has a high environmental impact. Red meat in particular (beef, pork, goat and sheep) is very damaging to the environment. Therefore, replace red and processed meat with legumes such as beans, lentils or chickpeas, unsalted nuts or egg. You can also choose sustainable fish with an MSC or ASC quality mark. Replace cold cuts on bread with roasted vegetables, hummus or other vegetable spreads.

3. Don’t take more dairy and cheese than you need. For your health it is beneficial to take a few servings of dairy every day (approx. 300 – 450 ml of milk / yogurt) and about 40 grams of cheese (approx. 2 sandwiches). More is not necessary. Eating a lot of cheese in particular creates a high environmental impact. Therefore, regularly invest your sandwich with vegetables, fruit, hummus or peanut butter / nut spread.

4. Don’t eat more than you need and avoid snacks and sweets. If everyone who eats too much eats less, this will bring a lot of environmental benefits. So don’t eat more than you need. In particular, avoid unhealthy products that are high in calories such as fried snacks, chips, biscuits, cakes, candies, and ice cream. Check here how much you need, or fill in the Eetmeter.

5. Drink as little sugary drinks and alcohol as possible. Soft drinks, fruit juices and alcohol have a high climate impact and are not good for your health. Therefore, especially drink water and tea and coffee without sugar. Tap water is the least harmful to the environment. With coffee and tea you can pay attention to the Fairtrade (Max Havelaar), UTZ and Rainforest Alliance quality marks.

6. Go for whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetablesWhen putting your meal together, prefer plant-based products. Think of whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruit, potatoes, legumes, a handful of nuts and vegetable oils every day. Most plant products have a low climate load.

7. With fruit and vegetables, pay attention to origin and seasonFruit and vegetables have a low environmental impact. If you take seasonal products and pay attention to the origin, you are completely green. Choose vegetables that have a low environmental pressure all year round. Think of broccoli, red cabbage, leek, beetroot, onion, carrots, chicory and celery. Products from outside Europe that arrive by plane have a higher climate impact. This also applies to vegetables from heated greenhouses. Consult the fruit and vegetable calendar and choose for the fruit in your current month.

Hope this helped. Big shoutout to the Voedingscentrum!



Geplaatst op Geef een reactie

What I ate while stuck @home.

Hello readers,

Another what I ate. To be honest; I never put so much afford in making pics of my food. I do not get the fuzz really, but if I can give someone inspiration, sure why not. This week was more of a ‘I wanna eat candy, a lot of candy’. So I did and I must say, I am good for a while now. Ooh! I am trying, working on my picture quality, next week better pictures.

Signature Queeny food. I always eat this in the morning. 48+ cheese is BEA <3.

This is my legit favorite childhood candy. banana flavour with Liquorice.

This was breakfast as well. I eat what I want when I want and I always get my greens in and fruits. So I never get worried and you should not either!

My friend cooking up something from Suriname, I believe.

My friends food @work. She is goals <3. She is a vegan and I love her food plates.

Rice crackers with 48+ old cheese.

My mom made fresh peas and made mash out of it. It was….too healthy.


Favorite of the week! Soy milk, raw oats, mango, dried apricot and banana.

I always eat my fruits. It will maybe be 5 days in a year that I do not eat fruit and I always feel ill not eating it.

Rye bread and 100% peanut butter I had 2 slices but my dumb-ass took the photo too late.

Beets are BEA.

Pizza with beets and tofu.

Pizza Funghi

And done!



Geplaatst op Geef een reactie

How to handle fearfoods?

Hello readers,

Let’s start out with one thing. Everyone in the ED community has one or more fearfoods. I WILL NOT name a certain food here as a fearfood, because I know people will somehow connect dots and think that food would be bad and somehow will be going to avoid that. So how can you work towards eating a fearfood?

Identify the feelings

I think a lot of foods get the name ‘fearfood’, because it causes a certain reaction. So I am going to take you in this process.

Food item > emotions > reaction 

The food item could be anything. The emotion that comes afterwards could be fear, anxiety, disappointed, disgust or more. The reaction could be; purging, way to much exercise, crying, binge eating etc.

Recognize yourself? Good, then you have some insight in the situation. So try to write down your emotions when you eat a food item. Try it in the same sequence as above. I ate product x > this gave me anxiety > after that I started a compulsive workout.

It may gives some insight in your behavior. I mean your dad, sis or best friend are not having this sequence so why should you?

Turn that list around

I somehow guess you have a list in your head, or in your room, or on your phone with foods that are an absolute no no. Well guess what! We are going to make that a yes yes. If you can put all the time in making a list with foods you cannot eat, well let’s use it for more activities. Like trying the foods :p.

If you do not want to be stuck in the shitty situation you brought yourself in, challenge yourself! Be brave and fight your ED. I can tell you now, it won’t be easy everyday, but it will get better. The only way you get rid of an ED is by doing exactly the opposite from your ED thoughts!

So try at least 5 days (preferable 7 days) in a week a product that you find troublesome. So it can look like the following:

I ate product x > this gave me anxiety > after that I started a compulsive workout > I am going to eat this product on Monday at breakfast.

Keep this in mind, because we are taking it to the next subject.

Use the 0-10 scale

This scale is often use by dietitians. ‘How do you feel on a scale of 0-10? Ohhh its a 5? Why not a 6?’ We will be using this a different kind of way. So let’s take the part we made in the last sub-chapter.

I ate product xx > this gave me anxiety> after that I started a compulsive workout > I am going to eat this product on Monday at breakfast > On a scale of 0-10, I will give my anxiety a 8.

Do this a week later and review your anxiety.

I ate product x > this gave me anxiety > after that I started a compulsive workout > I am going to eat this product on Monday at breakfast > On a scale of 0-10, I will give my anxiety a 6.8.

Keep track of your progress! It’s easy to get lost in the thought there is no progression, but if you have it on paper, your mind can’t argue with that!

Eat and repeat!

I said it before and will say it again. If you can repeat your bad habits everyday, why can’t you repeat the nurturing habits of giving yourself enough food, love, sleep and less stress? I know you can and so do you. You are going to beat your ED by eating a bite more, having dessert after dinner, eating that fearfood and enjoying what you eat.

Best of luck,


Geplaatst op Geef een reactie

What I ate in the second week of the lockdown.

Hello readers,

So this is a little overview of what I ate last week. It is at random and there are no calories involved or whatsoever. Just some Ideas! I ate more plantbased this week and chose for some semi-mono meals, because I felt like it. I have had some hormonal issues in the past, so it is very important to listen to what your body needs. Do you feel like eating eggs go for it! Feel like you need some chocolate go for it! Hormones thrive on fats and carbs. So skip those skinny meals (plain oats with water) and give your body what it needs! And if you have hormonal issues but are overweight or obese; try to find those fats an carbs in more healthy options (a piece of fruit or some semi-skimmed yoghurt).

Some airfry tofu and veggie soup.

Mango as a snack and some banana (I believe I ate an apple on the side with this).

A beef burger on white bread and an egg on it (I am not a foodie, so my photo’s are not always that great).

After I killed it with some ketchup and mustard.

Just some cooked veggies, because I felt like it.

Some fruit (this was packaged by the way, but this tasted so much better than I can remember from my youth).

Some fruit as snack again and something called boterkoek in Dutch. It is translated into ‘buttercookie’. It’s one of my favorites!

White bread with peanut butter 100% (with little bits of peanut). I always add salt, cuz ya girl needs salt.

A grilled cheese with 45+ cheese and 1/2 slice of Italian ham (I almost never eat pork, so this is special even for me xD)

Stir-fry with green beans, noodles, avocado, tofu and zucchini.

Protein-shake made with banana, buttermilk, strawberries and a scoop of prozis apple pie.

My friend found hummus and tahini in the supermarket combined together.. it is @jumbo in the Netherlands.

My friend making a red velvet cake

I chose to have my breakfast solo with fruits.

This was a snack and I chose to put salt on my banana with PB. This was not that bad.

Funny I did not took a photo of it, but I was eating a lot of kidney beans with brown rice this whole week (like 3 times) and legumes soup (dutch erwtensoep) and a bit of ice cream. Well still getting used to taking pictures of my food, so mind me with this one guys. 🙂

