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Do I have to take extra vitamin D because of the corona virus situation?

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your questions answered.

Do I have to take extra vitamin D when I am at home because of the coronavirus?

Now that many people are at home because of the coronavirus, we receive questions about taking extra vitamin D. This would increase the resistance. It is true that vitamin D is important, among other things, for the proper functioning of the immune system. If you eat according to the Wheel of Five and are outside for 15-30 minutes every day, you will get enough vitamin D. This does not apply to young children, women over 50 years of age and men over 70 years of age, people with a dark skin tone, people who do not come out often and pregnant women. They are advised to take extra vitamin D. Do not take in too much vitamin D. This is not necessary and so there is enough available for other people who need it.

What can you do to get enough vitamin D?

Try to be outside for a quarter to half an hour between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM every day, with your face uncovered and hands uncovered. Your body produces vitamin D itself under the influence of sunlight. If you are not allowed to go outside because of the measures surrounding the corona-virus, try sitting in the garden or your balcony. Do you have no outdoor space? Then sit in front of an open window. If that does not work, and you stay inside completely, you can take a vitamin D supplement. Then do not exceed the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 10 micro-grams. If you can go outside again, you can stop taking vitamin D. You can also get vitamin D in part from food. So eat healthy and varied according to the Wheel of Five. Vitamin D is naturally found in fatty fish, such as herring, salmon and mackerel. Meat and eggs also provide vitamin D, but less than oily fish. In the Netherlands, vitamin D is also added to low-fat margarine, margarine and baking and frying products (but not to oil).

Does vitamin D help prevent infections like the corona-virus?

Scientific advisory committees for food within and outside Europe conclude that it has not been sufficiently demonstrated whether (extra) vitamin D reduces the risk of infections. This is because the results so far mainly come from observational research. Cause and effect cannot be demonstrated in this type of investigation. Moreover, studies so far still show too many different results. Whether a vitamin D supplement helps to prevent infections must first be demonstrated in a good systematic manner.

Can I take in too much vitamin D?

The chance of an excess of vitamin D is small. It can only occur as a result of taking too many supplements for a long time. Do not need a supplement, but do you want to take it now because you are not allowed to come outside because of the corona-virus? Look closely at the label and make sure you choose a supplement that contains no more than 100% of the RDI (recommended daily allowance).



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