Fill in the contact form if you are interested in our E-books. (You are under no obligation to do anything after completing this form.) Price per E-book €15.


Shredding down (female)

Maybe you are the person that has tried twenty diets? Or you have been going to the gym, but have not seen any results. And maybe most important; you know a bit about nutrition and exercise, but not enough to use it in the practical field. This E-book is here to give you insight in the world of food and training. What are calories, what are macro-micronutrients, how much do I need, why should I be consistent and not want fast results, how do I read labels and why is food not just only healthy and unhealthy? There is so much more covered in this E-book and really is an eye-opener for the beginner in her health journey! For the best results, combining this with the dietitian is recommended.

Shredding down (male)

I want to see my six-pack! Do I even have a six-pack? My calves are so small! I want to walk down the beach and feel proud! These are very common requests and questions in the dietitian field. And of course, we could give that information to you in every consultation, but we would be 20 consultations further. So, therefore this E-book came into the world. For the best results, combining this with the dietitian is recommended. You can find in this e-book what shredding down is, which different ways there are, what macro-micronutrients there are, which supplements are needed, how to read food labels, how often do you weigh yourself, in which food products you can find which vitamins and minerals and why you need protein while shredding down.

Bulking up

I need to eat more to eventually look ripped…. Sounds crazy right? But it is the truth! If you want to have more muscle mass, than you need to eat more. And eventually when the time comes, you start shredding down. In this book you will get a 101 on food! Macro- and micronutrients, fluids, calories, training, how many meals a day, tips and tricks, clean bulking, dirty bulking, measuring your bodyfat, different body types and so much more! If you are ready to shred down, jump to the shredding down E-book. For the best results, combining this with the dietitian is recommended.


Being pregnant is seen as one of the most unique experiences ever! And indeed, it’s an out of this world experience that again is so natural. Walking, eating, sleeping and breathing for two is one of the biggest responsibilities a human can have. Therefore, this E-book is here to give you some insight. No eating for two, what can you eat and what not, which prenatal vitamins do you need, can you still run, can you still lift or cross train, how can I deal with being nauseous and who needs to support me in this journey (multidisicplinaire team). A great book as an extra for during your pregnancy. For the best results, combining this with the dietitian is recommended.

Mom life

Are you a mom for the first time? Or is this the second time? It does not matter where you start, because this e-book got your back! Explanations on weight loss, baby formula, breastfeeding, posture, fitness, diastasis and pelvic instability will be covered. But also, how to get some me-time in? Becoming a mom or being one, is actually becoming a new you. A version 2.0. that you need to compose to your taste. For the best results, combining this with the dietitian is recommended.

Chronical diseases

Do you have diabetes type 2? Or high blood pressure? High cholesterol? Or a combination of two or three, but you actually do not know what this is all about? Well, this E-book is going to help you out big time! All these diseases will be covered and explained. Next to that, lifestyle changes tips and tricks will be covered, explanation on which food you should eat, how to combine certain foods, genetics, external influences and medication for these diseases will be covered. Lifestyle intervention can do a lot for these diseases! This is a super handy book, if you are the person that does not like to wait for a health care practitioner, but want to start now! For the best results, combining this with the dietitian is recommended.


An eating disorder is a coping mechanism. Being to thin or to heavy, is one of the symptoms of the disease. But also, an eating disorder can become an integrated habit of coping. You feel maybe hopeless or lost. You don’t get why eating (such a ‘simple’ thing that everybody does) goes wrong….

You may even feel that there is something wrong with you.

You highly wonder if you will ever sit down at a table and can join people at lunch, without counting your calories in your head and later on compensating for it. This is e- book is what I call (owner Iamstuffed) the new way to approach eating disorders. With active tips and tricks to reduce eating disorder habits, looking critical to your behavior, but also to yourself.

And most important, having an active mindset for recovery. No passive way of thinking. For example: ‘’It’s the eating disorder, I cannot do anything about it.’’

Next to this, types of eating disorders will be discussed, the dsm-v, different stages of recovery, different ways you can recover and so much more! For the best results, combining this with the dietitian is recommended.

Flipping that lifestyle

Living only for your work? Or having such irregular shifts that your whole health is declining? Or are you the person that cannot seek joy in exercise? Then this e-book is for you! In this E-book it’s all about awareness of the situation and how you can fix the current situation. Tips, tricks but also learning the reader a stable base for their quality of life! The writer herself (owner Iamstuffed), needed to re-evaluate her life in the beginning of 2016. Depression, multiple burnouts and an eating disorder were on the menu. And stepping out of that was not easy. Throughout the years of re-evaluating, a lot of notes were written down with different methods, perspectives, CBT and NLP techniques to form this book. For the best results, combining this with the dietitian is recommended.

Getting your period back

This e-book is a handbook on getting your period back. The owner from Iamstuffed delt with losing her period for over 4 years and eventually got it back. This book is written from experience, but also from self-studying over six years about hormones, fertility and pcos. There a few factors in life that need to be in balance to have a healthy period. These factors will be discussed in this e-book. Furthermore, the period itself will be explained, painful periods, amenorrhea, birth control, fertility, pcos, endometriosis and so much more!

Not having a period always is a sign from your body, that something is off. With consistency, love, patience and the right mindset your period can comeback! * For the best results, combining this with the dietitian is recommended.

*Lifestyle can support and help a lot. However, if the situation is in that state that this cannot support; medical intervention is needed.

How to move your body the right way!

Have you been pushing and pushing? Doing exercises, you really do not like? Thinking that the gym is the only way you will reach your goals? Or have you been over-exercising, because you are scared to ‘’gain all the weight back’’? Well, then this e-book is maybe something for you! This is not a book with other exercises explained. This is a mindset book on why you do what you do? Are these fears really valid? Are less strenuous exercises also helpful? We dive into your believes and challenge you to challenge them! So, when you are done with book, you are moving your body in a way you will love forever. And do not force it!